感謝砂拉越旅遊局(STB)的邀請來到了巴貢水壩和Linau河體驗了3天2夜難忘的釣魚之旅。上星期在古晉時突然接到一通來自旅遊局的電話問”有興趣來巴贡釣魚嗎?我沒想太多就直接回答 “當然有”。其實原本我就有想過要來了,所以趁有人邀請下就馬上答應。一飛回美里就重新整理過行李,隔天直接出發到民都魯。這三天行程主要是釣魚為主,和了解當地人怎麼以釣魚為生;讓後了解這些河魚是怎麼批發運到個城市去賣。除了這些,很開心也能體驗到當地人在水上的生活習俗同時也很慶幸能體驗住在水壩上的小島屋和浮在水面上的floating house:這裡的民宿我真的很喜歡!太喜歡!非常喜歡!真心喜歡所以一定要重複三次。有機會一定要來試一下。
如果您是住民都魯或有考慮來民都魯 cuti cuti Sarawak 的話,不妨考慮來這體驗一下非一般的旅程; 砂拉越內陸地區其實也可以很好玩。
行程攻略 (旅遊局安排)
第一天: - 民都魯開車到巴貢水壩碼頭 - 到Belanum 瀑布附近釣魚 - 入住 “Mebong Cove Villa”
第二天: - 搭船到Mengelo 瀑布,釣魚 - 繼續兩小時船程到Sungai Linau Rapid 和附近釣魚 - 入住 Floating House,準備晚餐和自由活動
第三天: - 早上一早出發到巴貢碼頭了解當地人如何把魚帶到碼頭的菜市場賣。 - 行程結束。回到民都魯。
1) 巴貢在哪裡? 位於砂拉越中部布拉甲(Belaga)區。水壩發電量為2400兆瓦,為全馬最大水壩。水壩湖面積相當於新加坡。
2) 要怎麼來? 來巴貢水壩的方法有兩種,可以從民都魯出發或者是詩巫。
a)從民都魯來到巴貢會是最快抵達的方法。從市區到巴貢碼頭一共是185公里大約需要3個小時的車程時間,可以租車或自己開車來。如果不想租車的話,可以考慮搭霸王車(客運車服務或van車);等車坐滿了其他乘客車就開跑。我不是很確定能在哪裡接到車因為我本身沒試過,可是我有當地一位霸王車司機的聯絡號碼,請拉下看。在抵達巴貢前,可以停留參觀Sungai Asap Longhouse,全馬最長的長屋(Longhouse) 長屋一共長達一公里。
b)除了從民都魯出發來之外,也可以選擇從詩巫出發。可是從詩巫出發的總路程會比較遠和必須花很多天的時間,但是我個人覺得從詩巫來的路程會比較精彩。首先從詩巫搭快艇到加帛(Kapit) 過一夜,隔天早上再搭唯一一班最早的快艇從加帛到布拉甲(Belaga)一共5-6小時的船程, 票價馬幣55。到了布拉甲再過一夜,過後隔天找霸王車到巴貢碼頭, 需要1小時30分鐘路程。這一區的霸王車通常是跟”巴貢-民都魯”路線同一個司機。
3) 住宿攻略
在這次的巴貢旅程中,我最喜歡的就是這裡的民宿。我們一共入住了兩家:Mebong Cove Villa 島上屋 和 水上浮屋Floating House。
a)Mebong Cove Villa 這家民宿就在巴貢水壩被湖水圍繞著的一座迷你小島上,唯一能抵達的方法就是搭船;離碼頭40分鐘。所以如果有興趣想來住一晚的話,一定要跟老闆早安排好因為非常快被訂滿。這家民宿是以整間民宿來計算,整間大概馬幣400一晚包含了水壩湖上的船程接送服務。這價錢對情侶或獨自旅行者來說會有點貴,所以建議還是跟多點人來平均除起來分擔會比較划算。這整間民宿有4間房可以容納至少15-20人。在島上可以下水游泳,搭船到附近瀑布玩,釣魚,BBQ, 唱K 和 晚上時如果天氣好可以看星空。
Mebong Cove Villa FB專頁 : https://www.facebook.com/bakunfloatinghouse/ Mebong Cove Villa 聯絡號碼:+6019836 1102
b)水上浮屋Floating House (Linau 河附近)
這水上浮屋是靠木桐和空桶來漂浮在水壩湖的水面上,民宿後面還有個非常壯觀的瀑布。跟之前Mebong Cove Villa 小島屋比起來,這民宿是有點遠。搭船從之前的民宿來到這需要至少兩個小時時間,這一區算是水壩的尾端靠近Linau 河;非常適合釣魚愛好者來因為這裡的魚特別的多。這民宿沒有分開房睡,就大家一起鋪床在大廳的地上吹著室外的風一起睡;非常的舒服。這裡除了能釣魚也可以 BBQ,游泳,在湖上附近皮划艇 和 到 民宿附近的瀑布徒步。我個人特別喜歡這裡,因為晚上看著星空和吹著風睡真的是個很難得的體驗。對於這間民宿的價錢我就不是很清楚,如果想知道更多詳情可以聯絡以下的負責人Mr Lee,這負責人我三天行程裡在水壩見到唯一的當地華人。
水上浮屋負責人 (Mr Lee): +60 198242812
First and foremost, million thanks to Sarawak Tourism Board (STB) for the invitation to Bakun Dam and Linau river for an unforgettable fishing trip. Besides fishing, i am truly grateful for the opportunity to stay on the island homestay and the awesome floating house. If you are currently residing in Bintulu or planning to come Bintulu in the future for Cuti Cuti Sarawak, you may consider to add this into your itinerary to experience the less visited and rural part of Sarawak: not only this is a fishing paradise but also a place for a short sweet getaway from the hectic city life.
Itinerary (arranged by STB):
Day 1: - Depart from Bintulu to Bakun Jetty (3 hours) - Taking boat to Belanun Waterfall and fishing - Check in to Mebong Cove Villa
Day 2: - Stopover at Mengelo Waterfall, fishing - Proceed to Ulu Sungai Linau (roughly 2 hours) for fishing activities - Check in to Floating House, preparing dinner and own activities (kayaking etc.)
Day 3: - Depart early to Bakun Jetty for the Jetty Market, the market where local people selling jungle products. - Tour ends. Heading back to Bintulu from Jetty.
1) Where is Bakun Dam? Located in the Belaga district in central Sarawak. The power generation capacity of the dam is 2,400 megawatts, making it the largest dam in Malaysia. The area of the dam lake is equivalent to the size of Singapore.
2) How to reach here? There are two possible ways to come Bakun from either Bintulu or Sibu:
a. If you are coming from Bintulu, this can be the easiest and quickest way to arrive. You can either drive or rent your own vehicle driving from the city that approximately 185km away from the Bakun Jetty, that roughly takes 3 hours of driving duration on a well pathed tar road. If you are traveling alone, you can get a shared car or van from Bintulu to Bakun Dam. I am not really sure where to get the car in the city, but I do have one of the driver’s number that you could contact (please refer to the contact below). Coming to Bakun from Bintulu, it is the best to make a stop at Sungai Asap Longhouse, it is somewhere in between the areas. Sungai Asap longhouse is the longest longhouse in Malaysia with the house length of 1 kilometers long.
b. Coming from Sibu is a more adventurous option, but it will be a long journey and required at least 3 days to arrive Bakun Jetty. First, you take speedboat from Sibu to Kapit and stay overnight there in Kapit town. The next day take the one and only 9.30am (RM55) speedboat from Kapit to Belaga town, it will take 5 to 6 hours along the longest river in Malaysia, Rejang river. Once you arrived Belaga, you will need to stay another extra night at the town and arrange a shared car to Bakun Jetty. This shared car will probably be the same car for the “Bintulu- Bakun” route.
No matter which routes you take: Sibu or Bintulu, it is compulsory to call the locals for boat and accommodation arrangements. Normally the accommodations will be fully booked very early, so make sure you book in advance.
3) Accommodation sharing
a. Mebong Cove Villa This is an awesome homestay located on a mini island surrounded by the Dam water. The only way to reach here is by boat that takes approximately 40 minutes from the jetty, therefore if you are planning to visit here it is definitely compulsory to contact the person in charge here for boat arrangement. The price for the homestay here is calculated by the whole house, it cost RM400 per night for the whole homestay that can fit in 15-20 people at once with 4 rooms. Therefore, it will be pricey if you come here as solo or pair; the best and ideal way will be coming with a big group of people to split the cost. There are few activities that you can do while staying on the island: fishing, swimming at the lake, karaoke, visiting the nearby waterfalls, and stargazing at night.
Mebong Cove Villa Official FB page: https://www.facebook.com/bakunfloatinghouse/ Mebong Cove Villa person in charge: +6019836 1102
b. The Floating House (near Sungai Linau) This is my top favorite accommodation of this trip, the floating house with the support of timber woods and empty buckets support underneath. However, this place is actually quite far away from the island house that approximately 2 hours away by boat, it is managed by a one and only Chinese fella that i met in this trip Mr. Lee. The floating house is actually located roughly at the end of the of Bakun, which you can take boat to reach Linau river which is another ideal place for fishing. When you are at the floating house, please do not forget to visit the gorgeous waterfall just behind the floating house. The accommodation here is slightly different from the island. Here, there is no rooms but a big hall where everyone sleep on the floor with mattress together with no walls and enjoying the rainforest breeze at night (absolutely adored this). Here are some activities you can do here: fishing, kayaking, hiking around nearby the waterfall and of course swimming. I am not sure about the price for this accommodation though, feel free to contact the person in charge below:
The Floating House person in charge (Mr Lee): +60198242812