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  • Ryan Chu

Bengoh Dam, Padawan Kuching 文莪水坝巴达旺古晋


收費:RM300 一艘船/如果人多RM50一人

難度指數:3/10 (以個人體力衡量)

Bengoh水壩位於古晉巴達旺區,有砂拉越侏羅紀公園之稱的一個秘境。全程從水壩碼頭搭船到水壩附近的小村莊,再徒步到附近的瀑布玩水和野餐。無論是一日遊或想在水壩附近的住宿過一夜,都是很不錯的體驗。如果你人在古晉厭倦了城市繁忙和塞車的生活,那不如來Bengoh 水壩玩玩吧。


  • 巴達旺這一區公共交通並沒那麼方便。所以最好還是自己租車或開車來,路況很好所以小型汽車也適合來。從市區來到這,跟著Google Map 或 Waze 導航APP搜索”Bengoh Dam”就能來到,距離城市大約50公里路程或一個小時車程。

  • 到水壩之前必須在保安亭填寫個人資料做個紀錄,到了水壩就把車子停在水壩周圍的停車位。導遊都會在停車場等你。


碼頭就在停車場附近,通常來之前導遊都會在停車場迎接你。從碼頭搭船到水壩附近的小村莊大約30分鐘時間。這村莊是有開放給旅客入住的旅舍,在這能體驗到比達友族人的生活習俗和吃到非常道地的傳統美食。除了這些也別忘了來村莊裡的觀景台 (Eagle’s Viewpoint)打卡,就在這高處的望著壯觀的水壩湖。如果有在這裡過夜的話,一定不能錯過早上日出時的雲海。

接下來會繼續搭船到Susung 瀑布徒步步道的起點。這畢竟是戶外活動所以建議穿適合的防水爬山鞋來;如果不想花太多錢我會推薦kampung adidas 因為便宜又實用,一雙馬幣十塊錢就買得到。在抵達Susung 瀑布前,會走過一些非常刺激的竹木橋,爬上一些斜坡 和路過一些瀑布。到了休息亭已經距離Susung 瀑布不遠了。走進Susung Waterfall 前,別忘了在這大樹藤拍個照才往瀑布前進。Susung 瀑布是個4到5個不同水流方向所組成的瀑布;非常的宏偉壯觀而且水力非常的大,所以注意別弄濕手機和相機。走到了那麼累,就來這玩水消消暑吧。

如果想來一日遊的話,建議8am 早上前在水壩停車場集合。早上八點出發的話,我個人覺得大概下午三點前就可以結束回家。


Uncle Wes:


Distance from Kuching city: 50KM

Price: RM300 per boat/ RM50 per person if you have more people

Difficulty level: 3/10 (according to my fitness level)

Bengoh Dam, is an underrated gem located at Padawan region of Kuching District: with a nickname “Kuching’s Jurassic Park” as it is famous for its beautiful jungle and amazing waterfalls. Besides that, there is a homestay where you can stay a night at the local Bidayuh settlement. If you are in Kuching, this is definitely the perfect short getaway during the weekends or holidays.


It is unfortunate that a lot of buses have ceased their business to this region. Therefore the best way to reach this area will be by driving your own vehicle or get a rental car. You can use Google Map or Waze by searching “Bengoh Dam” as the location is well pointed on the map.

Before you arrive, you will need to register yourself at the security booth. After that, you can park your car at provided car parking space just outside the dam. Your local guide will probably be waiting for you there.


As the trip begin, you will be hopping on the boat and take roughly 40 minutes boat ride to the nearest Bidayuh settlement. You can actually plan a night stay here as they are open for tourists, here it is a great opportunity to experience some local indigenous life culture and also some amazing local delicacies. And don’t ever miss the Eagle’s viewpoint that is located just at the village, it is a viewpoint where you can enjoy the serene beauty of the Mother Nature by standing up high. If you are planning to stay here, please do not forget to wake up early to witness the beautiful sea cloud during the sunrise.

After visiting the settlement, the journey continues by riding the boat to the trailhead of Susung Waterfall. Since this is an outdoor activities that involves hiking and waterfalls, it is best to have some hiking gears and most importantly a pair of good waterproof hiking shoes: the best one I would recommend is the legendary “Kampung Adidas”, that only cost less than RM 10 and the quality is actually awesome. The trek to Susung waterfall will require to hike up some steep that takes you through to some forests and crossing some precariously bamboo built bridges; then passing by some other waterfalls with a resting booth. By continued the walking to Susung Waterfall, you will see a giant tree vines hanging there that is worth for a photo stop. After that, you can further walk towards and get yourself closer to Susung Waterfall. The waterfall is a formation of 4 to 5 water streams from multiple directions, with a very powerful current that creates a heavy mist that can get you wet easily. Therefore please be careful with your camera and electronic gadgets as the mist might ruin them. Please feel free to enjoy the epic beautiful nature here and give yourself a dip into the chilly fresh clean water.

If you are here for a daytrip, it is better to start the trip from the Dam to be as early as 8.00am at least. The tour will be ended most probably before or around 3pm and it depends how long you want to stay at the area.

If you are interested, please do feel free to contact the local guide by clicking the whatsapp link below:

Uncle Wes:

Follow my IG: rcwanderlust

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