非常感謝和感恩老闆和老闆娘們的邀請有機會能再回到烏魯巴南區尋找另一個新的室外桃源,最高最壯觀的秘境瀑布Jama Waterfall 也有人稱它為 Dapoi waterfall。這瀑布最高水流看起來有至少150米高非常的壯觀, 讓我想起了委內瑞拉的天使瀑布。
這次我們團隊一共有九個人參與,從美里老遠來到這體驗了2D1N 的露營之旅。我們的露營地點就在瀑布徒步起點的山腳下一座還沒蓋好的房子,帶來了折疊床,睡袋和食材一起在這過一夜。空氣非常的清新涼爽舒適,四周圍很寧靜非常適合來放鬆心情。
據說這瀑布是在今年被一群登山冒險家發現到的, 這景點算很新所以關於這瀑布的詳細資料或完整攻略是非常難找。所以希望在這次的分享能讓更多人認識到這秘境,同時我也會把當地導遊聯絡號碼,價錢和詳情一起分享方便給大家參考。
瀑布地理位置位於砂拉越美里烏魯巴南區的 Apau Nyaring,瀑布水流主要來源於Dapoi 河水;Dapoi也就是瀑布的名字來源。
從美里開車到Dapoi瀑布徒步起點大約需要5-6小時,必須先到Lapok 小鎮讓前往Kilo 10 ,過後再到瀑布徒步起點位置。徒步起點位置GPS: 02°58′51.03″N 114°32′34.57″E。由於烏魯巴南是砂拉越郊外區所以路況不佳,建議大家一定要駕4WD(四輪驅動)車來。
如果有興趣從美里一天來回的話,因為路程遙遠而且路況不佳建議早上3.00am 或4.00am 就開始出發。有興趣想過一夜的朋友,其實現在瀑布附近暫時沒homestay。唯一最靠近的homestay是在Long Taha 村落裏,開車的話是需要一段時間(導遊和住宿詳情請拉下看)。
5.5/10, 以我個人體力來評估。從徒步起點到瀑布我大約花了40-45分鐘時間,一直往斜坡上;最後50米才是平路。由於現在十二月是雨季的關係,所以路都很滑。而且在沒繩子的支助下來爬,的確是有點危險。建議穿鞋底有突起顆粒的鞋來爬,Kampung Adidas: 地表最強,最耐和最廉價的鞋在Mr DIY 買得到,一雙RM6+。
當地導遊負責人:Lagang Philip
Whatsapp 網址連結:
住宿(不包含膳食):RM30 一人一晚
3D2N 配套,包含早中晚餐:RM180 一人
瀑布入門票:RM50 一人
外帶午餐:RM15 一人
交通(美里出發):RM1200 一輛車,一輛車可以容納4-5個人不包括司機。乘客數量以體型來計算。
Million thanks for the invitation from Siong Fah Motor and the team for the wonderful Ulu Baram exploration, my bucketlist to Jama waterfall is FINALLY ticked. This is a new found gem in Ulu Baram where the water flow is estimated to be at least 150 meter tall, very spectacular and remind me of Venezuela’s Angel Waterfall.
We were here altogether with 9 people and we camped right at the trailhead for a night. We brought our own sleeping equipments, food and camping tools and it was an awesome experience.
The waterfall is actually a recent found gem and the itinerary sharing and info is still very limited online. So, i hope my sharing do able to help more people to be able to reach here to see this beautiful beast.
The waterfall is located at Apau Nyaring region in Ulu Baram district, roughly 5-6 hours of driving from Miri city to the trailhead. First you will need to drive from Miri to Lapok town, then to Kilo 10 and continued straight to Jama Waterfall trailhead. Since this is an Ulu place, it is advised to do your homework before you come drive only with 4WD because the road conditions are very bad.
The trailhead GPS location: 02°58′51.03″N 114°32′34.57″E
If you are interested to make it a daytrip from Miri, it is advised to depart from Miri around 3.00am or 4.00am because it will be a long journey.
If you are interested to stay a night nearby the waterfall, honestly by far there is no homestay around the trailhead. The only nearest homestay will be located at Long Taha which will be distance away (scroll down to check homestay and local guide details).
If you are into different types of travel, feel free to camp at the trailhead. There is a unfinished house constructed there and that will be the waterfall’s basecamp in the future.
The hike itself i will rate 5.5/10 based on my hiking ability. I took roughly 45- 40 minutes to reach the waterfall. It was a all incline from the beginning till the final 50meter. The trail can be very slippery therefore it is advised to wear shoes with spikes underneath. The best and cheapest option will be: Kampung Adidas that can be found in Mr DIY for just RM6+.
Besides that, it is advised to wear long pants and long sleeves because there are loads of leeches.
Local Guide, Price and Info:
This is one of the most rural part of Sarawak or even Malaysia, internet and phone signal does not exist after you leave Lapok town. Therefore, it is best to come with local guide just to make sure you are on the correct trail and also a respect to the local indigenous community there.
Below are the homestay infos and prices for the local guide:
Guide’s Name:Lagang Philip
Mobile Number:+601112041334
Whatsapp Link:
Price and infos:
Accommodation (Meals excluded):RM30 per head per night
3D2N package,meals included:RM180 per head
waterfall entrance fee:RM50 per person
takeaway lunch to waterfall:RM15 per head
Transport (From Miri) Roundtrip: RM1200 per car,one car can fit in 4 to 5 persons excluding the driver. Of course, 4 or 5 persons depends on the passengers’ sizes.
That’s all. Don’t forget to share if you like my sharing.
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